Supporting A Family Member Dealing With Drug Addiction

Supporting A Family Member Dealing With Drug Addiction

Seeing a loved one struggling with drug addiction can be very heartbreaking for family members. For some, having to deal with this news can be very overwhelming that they choose to ignore it and hope for the best. Hard as it may be, you must find the strength to do all that you can to help prevent any further damage to your loved one’s mind and body as an effect of the drug addiction.

You are probably wondering how best to help your loved one deal with their drug addiction and here are a few tips to help you do just that:

  • Before giving help, you must take some time to learn about the addiction and its effect on an individual. Knowing these will help you identify behavior that are exhibited as a result of the addiction thus preventing and negative feelings on your part in thinking that the responses you receive should be taken personally. Understand that most of the time it must be the drugs talking.
  • Sit down and talk to your loved one about your concerns with the addiction. Let your intentions be known and assure them that you are there to help and support them through the entire journey to their recovery. Show your willingness to accompany them to their treatment and that they can come to you during low days when they feel like giving up.
  • Tough love may be necessary while helping your loved one recover. Expect that there may be times that you are met with denial, anger, and many excuses. Always express love and concern and avoid lecturing, preaching, bribing, and moralizing the issue. Also, don’t try to cover up or make excuses for their behavior because you will sure be tempted to. Let your loved one take responsibility for their actions because this will help them realize the consequences of their drug addiction.
  • Realizing that you have to stop and actually doing it are two very different things. Telling your loved one to stop with the addiction would fall on deaf ears if they don’t realize themselves that they want to make a change. Also understand they stopping is not easy and they will continuously battle with temptations and cravings so be ready to offer your help during these bad days.
  • Recovery from drug addiction is an ongoing process. Commit to being by your loved one’s side for the entire recovery period. Take an active role in their recovery and participate in meetings with support groups. Continue showing that you are concerned about their welfare and that you wish for their successful recovery from drugs.